
Upcoming Events in Zhangye

  • Reconstruction of Linze County No. 2 Middle School

    Reconstruction of Linze County No. 2 Middle School

    21 May | Linze No.2 Middle School

    Tenders are invited for Reconstruction of Linze County No. 2 Middle School Sport Announcement of Competitive Consultation of the Reconstruction Project of Linto No. 2 Middle School Sports Stadium.....

  • From Shanghai to the Colored Mountains. A big tour of China from east to west.

    From Shanghai to the Colored Mountains. A big tour of China from east to west.

    14 September | China 103 days left

    This tour will show you China's incredible natural and cultural diversity! We'll travel most of China east to west, stopping at the most interesting and iconic places to explore them in detail. From the overcrowded eastern regions to the deserted expan..

All Events in Zhangye Today (Upcoming Events)